Podcast: Radio Free HPC Previews the ISC’14 Student Cluster Challenge

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bubbleIn this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team previews the Student Cluster Competition at ISC’14 in Leipzig.

The third HPCAC-ISC Student Cluster Competition, featured at ISC’14, is an opportunity to showcase student expertise in a friendly yet spirited competition. The competition will feature small teams that compete to demonstrate the incredible capabilities of state-of- the-art high-performance cluster hardware and software. In a real-time challenge, teams of six undergraduate and/or high school students will build a small cluster of their own design on the ISC exhibit floor and race to demonstrate the greatest performance across a series of benchmarks and applications. The students will have a unique opportunity to learn, experience and demonstrate how high-performance computing influence our world and day-to-day learning. Held in collaboration of the HPC Advisory Council and ISC, the Student Cluster Competition is designed to introduce the next generation of students to the high performance computing world and community.

The Teams:


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