Video: Brendan Gregg Tutorial on Linux Performance Tools

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Brendan Gregg

Brendan Gregg, Senior Performance Architect at Netflix

In this video from the Velocity 2015 conference, Brendan Gregg from Netflix presents a 90 minute tutorial on Linux performance tools.

There are many performance tools nowadays for Linux, but how do they all fit together, and when do we use them? I’ve spoken on this topic before, but given a 90 minute time slot I was able to include more methodologies, tools, and live demonstrations, making it the most complete tour of the topic I’ve done. In this tutorial I summarize traditional and advanced performance tools, including: top, ps, vmstat, iostat, mpstat, free, strace, tcpdump, netstat, nicstat, pidstat, swapon, lsof, sar, ss, iptraf, iotop, slaptop, pcstat, tiptop, rdmsr, lmbench, fio, pchar, perf_events, ftrace, SystemTap, ktap, sysdig, and eBPF; and reference many more. I also include updated tools diagrams for observability, sar, benchmarking, and tuning (including the image above).

Linux performance tools, Part II.

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