Intelligent Light: Breaking the Disk IO Bottleneck in CFD by Eliminating It

“FieldView products and services from Intelligent Light have been specifically developed to help CFD users get more reliable results in less time from their CFD investments. Post-processing can be the most important step in the CFD process -this is where the “pay off” occurs – where you gain insight and make decisions. Yet it is often overlooked when planning effective CFD workflows.”

Bo Ewald Presents: D-Wave Quantum Computing

Bo Ewald from D-Wave Systems presented this Disruptive Technologies talk at the HPC User Forum. “While we are only at the beginning of this journey, quantum computing has the potential to help solve some of the most complex technical, commercial, scientific, and national defense problems that organizations face. We expect that quantum computing will lead to breakthroughs in science, engineering, modeling and simulation, financial analysis, optimization, logistics, and national defense applications.”