Cray announces 100 TFLOPS upgrade in DOD Modernization Program

Cray announced today that it has closed a deal with the DOD HPC Modernization Program to upgrade the existing 4,176 processor Opteron-based XT3 at the ERDC MSRC from single to dual core, doubling the processing capability to around 40 TFLOPS, in first calendar quarter of this year.

In addition, the award calls for the installation of an additional Cray XT4 in late 2007 with peak performance of approximately 80 TFLOPS.

[Full disclosure: I am employed by the ERDC MSRC.]


  1. […] This is part of the same acquisition that added this technology to another Modernization Program site. You can find more on the ASC MSRC here, and on the DOD HPC Mod Program here. […]