SGI in film

From the “Hey, I have some of that same gear” department…

SGI issued a release today talking about the additional investment that EFILM has made in SGI gear to support the digital workflow it uses to create movie trailers for Hollywood.

To create the SGI SAN to provide high-speed storage and networking to run their new trailer business, EFILM purchased an SGI® Altix® 350 server with 8GB RAM and 2 Dual-Core Intel® Itanium® 2 processors (for a total of 4 processor cores) running the Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® operating environment.

EFILM also selected two SGI® Origin® 350 servers with 8GB RAM as metadata servers, and an SGI® InfiniteStorage RM660 RAID storage array — highly optimized for rich media and streaming applications — with 21.5TB storage.