Science and computing in the president's FY08 budget

The CRA has a nice first look at the President’s FY08 budget, which gives the love to the science and computing (as part of the American Competitiveness Initiative). NSF is up, Office of Science is up, and DoD appears to be down. NITRD fairs flat:

…the NITRD program would stay essentially flat at $3.057 billion in FY 2008, a $12 million increase over the President’s FY 2007 request (and the FY 2007 Defense enacted number). Slated for increases would be NSF’s NITRD activities, which would grow $90 million to $994 million, a 10 percent increase, and the Department of Energy and NASA, which would both increase by 4 percent. Defense IT R&D would suffer a 2 percent cut vs. the FY 2007 enacted level, and NIH would see a 14 percent decrease vs. the President’s FY 07 request. But it’s going to take a bit more investigating to figure out where NITRD really stands vs. FY 2007.

In case you’re a budget geek (you know who you are), here’s the whole enchilada.