2 posts with more detail (here, here) this week from CRA’s policy blog with good news for HPC in the FY08 President’s Budget.
DOE’s Office of Science fairs thusly:
The ASCR has three overarching programs: Research in applied mathematics and computer science with a request of $82.8 million up from $69.6 million in the FY07 request; Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) with a request of $56.3 million up from $56.1 million in the FY07 request; and High-performance computing and network facilities and testbeds with a request of $201.1 million up from $193 million in the FY07 request.
In the NSF both the Computing and Information Science and Engineering directorate and the Office of Cyberinfrastructure would see big gains in the President’s plan:
Of particular interest to those of us in the computing community, NSF is using some of the increase provided by ACI on a new NSF-wide initiative called “Cyber-enabled Discovery and Innovation” (CDI) that aims to “broaden the Nation’s capability for innovation by developing a new generation of computationally based discovery concepts and tools to deal with complex, data-rich and interacting systems.” The $52 million initiative will be led by NSF’s CISE directorate (who will control $20 million of the funding), with participation from Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Science, Social, Behavioral and Economic science, Cyberinfrastructure, International Science, and EHR.