NCSA doubles compute capacity

NCSA is getting ready for two significant hardware additions that will double their total peak capacity to 146 TFLOPS.

Abe is a Dell blade system with 1,200 PowerEdge 1955 dual-socket, quad-core Intel Xeon 2.3 GHz processors, and InfiniBand and GigE connections. Each processor has 4 gigabytes of memory, providing a system total of 9.6 terabytes. …Abe will offer 170 terabytes of storage in a Lustre file system, providing 7.5 GB/s peak I/O performance.

T3 is the successor to T2, a Dell cluster that has been used extensively by NCSA’s industrial partners since it came online late in 2004. T3 is a Dell blade system with 1,040 dual-core 2.66 GHz Intel processors, an InfiniBand interconnect, 4.1 terabytes of total memory, and a 20 terabyte Lustre filesystem.

T3 will come online in mid-march; Abe is expected to enter service later this spring.