Linux Networx under new leadership

As a courtesy I give HPCwire and SC Online a day’s lead before reporting things I find out about only on their web sites (stuff also posted elsewhere is up for grabs). After all, they make a living from what I do as a hobby.

But I’m breaking that rule in this case because I occasionally worked with Bo and liked him very much.

From HPCwire we find out that Bo is stepping down as CEO of Linux Networx, although he will remain on the board. From HPCwire’s article:

Before coming to Linux Networx, Ewald was at Cray Research, Inc., where he served in several positions, including president and COO. While at Cray, the company quadrupled in size from about $200 million to over $900 million. Ewald also served as executive vice president and COO for Silicon Graphics (SGI) at a time when the company had revenues of about $3.5 billion. Ewald began his management career at Los Alamos National Laboratory as the head of its Computing and Communications Division.

There have been rumors on the street for a while that the company is struggling to find a successful financial path, and it is selling this change as a move to solidify its evolution from being a technology creator to a technology integrator and a more stable business model. Again, from HPCwire:

At this point, Linux Networx still does the system design, but the hardware manufacturing and assembly is outsourced to a contract manufacturer (some sources have suggested this manufacturer is actually Dell). The shift from manufacturer to system integrator has allowed Linux Networx to compete effectively in the cutthroat HPC cluster market, where system design and software integration define the value of the products.

Jack Kenney has been named as LNXI’s new CEO.

Kenney, an industry veteran, served as Chairman and CEO of Everex Systems, UniSil Corporation, and Quantegy, Inc. He has also held executive management positions with Memorex, Scientific Micro Systems, DEC and Honeywell, and has held board positions at a number of companies, including Streamlogic Corporation.


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