Sun and Boeing work on "extreme data computing"

Sun Federal and Boeing have today announced an

open architecture that will enable organizations to collect, process and store massive amounts of data at extremely high rates of speed.

The system is built from “off the shelf” components and is capable of processing more than 10Gbps of data, according to this press release from the two companies.

The architecture addresses the computing demands of several data-intensive tasks including: operational intelligence and surveillance, epidemic trend analysis and prediction, failure analysis of aircraft and ships, predictive traffic management, weather and ocean forecasting and virtual design.

In case you’re wondering, this is what they built the solution from:

— Sun Fire(TM) E25K Server
— Sun StorageTek(TM) Flexline(TM) FLX380 Disk Storage
— Cisco 9509 Fiber Optic Director Switch
— Solaris(TM) Operating System
— Sun StorageTek QFS software for High-Speed Data Access
— Tivoli SANergy for Simultaneous Reading & Writing of Data
— Boeing Mission Systems Integration Services
— Sun Professional Services

The magical mystery piece to me is that big chunk of professional services. I wonder how “off the shelf” this is…?