
We’ve started expanding the coverage around here a bit with Mike writing on research issues and the addition of news with an enterprise HPC focus to my own posts.

So I’m experimenting with how to incorporate categories onto the site. On the one hand I like the simplicity of everything on one page; on the other, I recognize that some people may be interested specifically in certain kinds of news, and I want to give those readers the flexibility to see only what they like.

My first stab at it is the tiny category list you’ll see on the main page directly above each post’s title. Each category is clickable, and will take you to a page that has entries only for that category. So if, say, you only cared about HPTC posts, you could bookmark that category page and simply load it directly instead of coming to the main page.

Does this work for you? Want it back the old way? Is there a better way to do it? Would you like to see category-focused RSS feeds or a category-delimited sidebar? Drop me a line and let me know.

For right now the categories are:

  • Enterprise: HPC focused on the needs of business users
  • HPC: stuff that is of general interest)
  • HPTC (High performance technical computing): HPC focused on scientific and engineering problems
  • Admin: announcements like this

We’ll be adding more over time.