Disruptive Technologies at SC'07

Speaking of Quantum Computing, the call for submissions to the “Disruptive Technologies” showcase at the Supercomputing 07 conference was just announced. Here’s how it’s described:

Consisting of panel sessions and competitively selected exhibits, Disruptive Technologies will showcase technologies that are not currently on industry’s technology roadmaps. Technologies like reconfigurable computing, heterogeneous multi-core chips, holographic storage, and novel cooling techniques may offer near-term benefits, while quantum computing, chip level optical interconnects, and fundamental material breakthroughs offer potentially paradigm-changing benefits over the long term.

I wasn’t at the SC-06 version of this, when it was called “Exotic Technologies”, but I found a bit of coverage in this SC-06 wrapup from HPCWire, and the slides from Sandia’s Erik DeBenedict’s talk last year are available here (as pdf). There are some really interesting speculations in there, and an interesting comment about the increasing importance of backward compatibility in HPC (on slide 7).