Evaluating the Teragrid

A group at the University of Michigan’s School of Information’s Collaboratory for Research on Electronic Work (CREW) has been studying the Teragrid CyberInfrastructure project for about a year. From their project page:

In late spring 2006, the NSF awarded a one-year grant to the University of Michigan ’s School of Information (UM-SI) to conduct an external evaluation of TeraGrid. The primary goals of the evaluation are a) to provide specific information to TeraGrid managers that will increase the likelihood of TeraGrid success; and b) to give NSF leaders and policy makers general data that will assist them in making strategic decisions about future directions for cyberinfrastructure.

They’re conducting surveys, workshops, interviews and reviewing documents. It doesn’t look like there’s a final report yet, but they have released an interesting TeraGrid User Workshop Final Report (PDF) that covers feedback and conclusions from a user workshop in July of 2006.