EnginFrame 5.0 released

NICE has announced they’ve released version 5.0 of their EnginFrame software

NICE, innovators in Grid computing and pioneers of the EnginFrame Grid portal technology, are proud to announce the release of EnginFrame 5.0 Grid Portal. This major release presents some exciting innovations that centre on the business value of HPC in industrial and research environments covering application areas, like Oil & Gas, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Automotive, Electronics.

EnginFrame is a grid portal that enables user-friendly and application-oriented HPC job submission, control and monitoring. It includes data management for all stages of job lifetime, and is integrated with all relevant Grid workload management systems.

They aren’t well known in the US, but in Europe they’ve been around for 10 years or so and have a long list of major customers (Airbus, Audi, BMW, Bridgestone, British Gas, Delphi, Ferrari, FIAT, MTU, Northrop Grumman, Procter & Gamble, Raytheon, Schlumberger, Statoil, Toyota, TOTAL, TRW, STMicro, and so on).