Intel launches 2 quad-core Xeons

Intel launched two quad-core Xeon processors yesterday as it continues its drive to just bury AMD in a flurry of technology releases. The new Xeons are the X5365 and L5335.

Intel logoThe X is a performance processor running at 3 GHz and 120 watts with a fronside bus speed of 1333MHz. The L is an eco-friendly processor running at 2 GHz at 50 watts and the same FSB.

As pointed out by The Register

…the L5335 should prove particularly troubling for AMD. The smaller chipmaker is just pushing out a 1.9GHz version of the four-core ‘Barcelona’ flavor of Opteron to server OEMs now, and that chip consumes 68W. A 2.0GHz standard edition Barcelona tops out at 95W.

According to Intel

The processors are ideal for conducting simultaneous design and analysis transactions, improving rendering performance and managing faster analytics for industries such as financial services. Both processors are easily “drop-in” compatible with select existing Intel server platforms.

HP, IBM, SGI, Rackable, Verari, Fujitsu, and others have signed on to hawk the chip. You can pick them up in quantity now.


  1. Eric Borisch says

    Looks like these may be the ones Apple has already been shipping…

    It all seems to check out. “5300” series, Quad Core, 3Ghz, 1333 FSB