ROCKS "Office Hours" User Support

The generous developers of the ever-so-popular, open source cluster toolkit ROCKS have announced a new reason to buy them a coffee at SuperComputing. Beginning, Friday, September 14, the ROCKS team will be holding one-on-one live conversations with a core developer. Throw them your toughest support questions on installing, managing and extending the ROCKS cluster toolkit live.

Another mode in which to get support for ROCKS is through “Office Hours”. The idea is to have a set time in which members of the Rocks community can have a one-on-one live conversation with a ROCKS develoer.

The calls will be held weekly on Friday afternoons [PST] from 11:00AM-12noon. The only requirements are an active Skype account and video capability. Community members can reserve slots by sending a mail to `officehours<at>rocksclusters<dot>org`.

For more information, check the ROCKS website or subsribe to the ROCKS mailing list.