SGI Powers Leica Demo at GEOINT

SGI has announced that it has partnered with Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging [say that three times fast] in order to demonstrate joint technology solutions for geospatial intelligence collaboration and integration. The demo will take place at this week’s GEOINT conference in San Antonio, Texas. The demo will run on SGI Altix XE240 Intel Xeon servers running Windows. Data will be hosted on an SGI InfiniteStorage array.

SGI logoSGI is a leader in helping organizations work with massive data and complex business processes using Oracle applications,” said Kurt Schwoppe, vice president, Defense Solutions, Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging.

Read the full post here.

…for those currently attending GEOINT, check out The Esquire bar on the riverwalk. Its the oldest continuously running bar in Texas. Careful though… its a bit rough around the edges.