That’s right, kids. You voted, and now its time to wear the fruit of your labor. As you can see, the shirt is guaranteed to make old ladies swoon and young children cower in fear, so wear it with care.
What’s on the back? Take a look…we’re working with Ken Farmer and his fine pair of web sites, and, on these so you’ll get to display your affinity for thoughtful, independent news coverage of HPC on the web.
What do you have to do to get one of these beauties? Glad you asked! There is a simple, two step process
- Come to the reader meetup from 2:00 to 2:30 on Tuesday, November 13 in the Convention Center food court (right in front of Hall 3 in the middle of the convention center). Look for a bunch of overweight, middle-aged guys wearing “My other computer is super” shirts. That will be us.
- Wear your shirt sometime during the conference so even more people learn about insideHPC.
And that’s it; now, I ask you, when have you ever been asked to do so little for something so cool? I’ll have between 20 and 30 to give away in a variety of sizes. Plan to swing by, say “hi” to the authors at, and let us show you some love for a change.
This event will also be featured on the InsideHPC Google Calendar 🙂
[selfish plug]
Sorry I missed this. John, if you’re still here, please call my cell — 510-326-1761.