SC07: The team lead by Indiana University with members from Technische Universitaet Dresden, Rochester Institute of Technology, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, took first place in the Bandwidth Challenge at SC07. Competitors in the Bandwidth Challenge were challenged to create methods for “utilizing a high-speed network path to support end-to-end network applications running across a grid that included the conference’s exhibit floor and the participant’s home institutions using production networks.”
This project simultaneously pushed the limits of networking and storage technology while demonstrating a reproducible model for remote data management. Best of all, we did this using a variety of research applications that we support every day at Indiana University,” said Data Capacitor and Bandwidth Challenge project leader Stephen Simms.
The IU team hit a peak transfer rate of 18.21 Gbps [out of a possible 20 Gbps]. They sustained an overall rate of 16.2 Gbps using links from I2, GEANT and DFN research networks.
Congratulations to the IU-led team on their great accomplishments at SC07.
Read the full post here.