In response to my earlier post about SGI minority shareholder Southpaw Asset Management’s push for the board to consider selling the company, Joe over at riffs on who might buy SGI, who shouldn’t buy SGI, and what it all means.
Joe also has a lot of valuable coverage of actual goings on at the show, something I don’t have because most of my time was spent in meetings (have to fix that). Do yourself a favor and go thumb through the last several days of postings at his site.
The rumor at SC07 was that Raytheon and SGI may team up, although I did not hear that Raytheon would buy SGI. I find it interesting that Joe at lists them as a potential buyer.
I’ve always thought that NEC should buy SGI. They own the Japanese subsidiary, and with the acquisition could beef their HPC offerings worldwide.
Quite interesting to see the different contrast in rumours between last summer and now. At ISC when SGI’s stock price was doing better there were a few rumours floating around about them acquiring one of the smaller EMEA Tier 2/1.5 integrators. It appears that this is no longer the case now.
Wasn’t it only Nov of 2006 that they came out of chapter 11? I think that these things take time to turn around. Investors want a quick buck in a relatively slow market. With procurement cycles being on average every 3 years why are they giving up now? Do you think this was their original intention after the restructure?