According to a story at SC Online today Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico is announcing that state’s newest effort in its bid to transform into a high tech hub
SGI…has been awarded an $11 million state contract to build the supercomputer, which will be housed at Intel Corporation in Rio Rancho. Businesses, governments and schools will be able use the New Mexico Computing Applications Center to model complex problems – everything from creating new products to modeling scenarios for New Mexico’s future water supply.
The supercomputer is projected to operate at 172 teraflops per second. One teraflop represents 1 trillion calculations per second. It’s powered by 14,336 Intel Xeon processor cores, and has enough memory for 28,000 office computers.
…The New Mexico Department of Information Technology will manage the supercomputer project. Formal partnerships have been established with Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories, and the University of New Mexico, New Mexico State University and New Mexico Tech. SGI has formed a separate partnership to keep the computer at Intel’s Rio Rancho plant.