PBS moves to Windows CCS

Altair announced on Friday that they have a prototype of their PBS Pro workload management solution working with Windows CCS 2003

Altair logoPBS Professional is part of Altair’s PBS GridWorks suite of on-demand computing solutions. Altair and Microsoft will demonstrate a prototype of this interoperability at the international SuperComputing 2007 (SC07) conference, the largest annual event in the HPC community. Additionally, both companies plan to productize and release new versions of their software that incorporate this interoperability functionality during 2008.

The integration is evidently made possible through  the Open Grid Forum’s HPC Basic Profile

…The HPC Basic Profile specification is a proposed recommendation from the Open Grid Forum (OGF) to enable interoperability for job submission and job management between disparate workload management solutions. The planned integration between PBS Professional and CCS allows mutual customers to federate their Windows-, Linux- and UNIX- based servers into a virtual resource pool and then share these resources across all enterprise users through a common and consistent process for submission, monitoring and execution of their computational workloads.