Argonne puts on 200,000 square feet

From HPCwire

Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today announced a significant investment that will enable the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory to house the world’s most advanced supercomputers. Financed by $70 million in bonds issued by the Illinois Finance Authority (IFA), the new Theory and Computing Sciences Building will be located on Argonne’s campus in DuPage County. The new world-class facility will allow Illinois scientists to apply breakthroughs in supercomputing and pursue advances in nanotechnology, climate change, protein modeling and more, solidifying the fastest growing research program in Argonne’s history.

…Located on the boundary of Argonne’s secure perimeter, the approximately 200,000-square-foot facility will be home to over 600 laboratory employees and will house research groups using one of the fastest computers — the IBM Blue Gene/P — to answer huge scientific questions.

Additionally, the facility will include an 18,000-square-foot centralized library, computational research labs and a conference center