insideHPC turns 1, and I forget to renew the hosting plan

Today is the day…the first post at officially turns one today. My apologies to those of you who checked the site earlier this morning and found it was down. Seems I, uh, didn’t renew the hosting plan. Nothing says “party” like forgetting to pay the power bill.

We’ve come a long way from 1 reader. You guys have come to the site over 100,000 times over the past 12 months, and nearly half of those visits happened just in the last quarter of this year. We now get about 1,000 visits a day, and this is post 1, 278. I’m stoked that so many folks take time out of their day to check with us for their daily does of HPC news.

Those numbers are wonderful, but we’re not done yet. We estimate that the global HPC workforce is about 100,000 people strong (counting everyone from vendor sales people — HPCs only, not printers — to code monkeys). My goal for this year is to double readership again, to 2,000 visits a day.

But, we need your help. Only you can make this happen. So if you’ve enjoyed over the past year, show us some love! Tell your friends and neighbors about us. Set us to your mom’s home page the next time you’re de-virusing her computer. And if you have a blog, please link to us (starting this year I’m going to be doing a lot more linking to you).

For those of you who are already loyal readers, I have a lot planned for you over the next year. The podcast comes back to life today, I’m going to kick off an HPC advocacy campaign in the coming weeks, you’ll see more growth around the scholarships and postdocs listing, and I’ve got a new feature or two up my sleeve that I think you’ll love. All of this is aimed at helping our profession grow, and I hope you’ll jump in and offer suggestions or even take part when something comes along that interests you.

Thanks for a great first year.


  1. If you’re adding up numbers, don’t forget the legions who subscribe to RSS and rarely visit the site at all!

    Congratulations, and Happy New Year!

  2. “Legions!” The RSS crew is a good number, but we’re still 51 short of making an official legion. So, tell your friends and pals.