Sun's Rock may be late

The Register carried a story on Friday about a possible delay in the 2008 shipping schedule for Sun’s new Rock processor

Word reached Vulture Central this week of troubles in the land of Rock. Sun hoped to ship the 16-core SPARC dynamo by the end of next year. Now, however, we’re hearing that early versions of Rock have struggled to perform during testing. So now, Sun expects to ship the chip in the first half of 2009.

Sun HQ isn’t confirming this

There’s no “new guidance about timing at this point,” a Sun spokeswoman told us.

But The Register has information that some Sun customers are getting roadmap briefs from the company showing a 2009 ship.

You want more bad news, you say?

Beyond the delays, we’re told that Sun engineers have been forced to disable many of the more sophisticated features on early Rock test chips just to get the things to work.