NICE has a big presence in the European HPC market, particularly on the industrial side. Here’s the 4-1-1.
Who:10 year old NICE is an Italian software company with offerings in HPC and grid management. Their software is aimed at company-wide management, optimization of computing resources, increased usability, reduced complexity for grid solutions. NICE headquarters are based in Asti, in the North of Italy, located in the medieval castle of Cortanze, a small pleasant village in the country-side, South East from Turin. Awesome…a castle.
What:NICE has one primary software products that can be customized to meet individual user needs. EnginFrame solves problems related to computing resource optimization and rationalization, streamlining the time and resources needed to deploy and configure a complete Grid solution in almost any heterogeneous environment. There is also a Grid Portal component that provides an efficient infrastructure to put Grid-empowered applications on your corporate Intranet/Internet. Application interfaces can be tailored to the specific users’ skills or access rights. Users can therefore access and control their computing and engineering resources via an intuitive, standards compliant Web interface, virtually from anywhere using a standard Web browser.
Why (you care): NICE delivers user-friendly, highly customizable access to Grid-enabled applications and infrastructures. NICE products tune up the Grid solution by increasing its usability and user-friendliness, without sacrificing flexibility and control for the most advanced computing scenarios.
When:EnginFrame and EnginFrame Grid Portal are available now. NICE products are deployed across a broad spectrum of companies in Europe, including Hess, British Gas, Statoil, Audi, Ferrari, Toyota, Alcatel, Ericsson, and many more.
Where:You can find them on the web at and, or by email and phone at and +39 0141 901516.