Kuwait Oil Company Deploys Sun Cluster

The Kuwait Oil Company [KOC] has deployed a Linux-based Sun HPC cluster. The cluster will be dedicated to running KOC reservoir simulations.

Sun logoMs. Badria Abdul Rahman, Manager, Field Development, South & East Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company said: “Before deploying the Sun Cluster in KOC, we used to use a system that could take several days and sometimes even weeks to run the simulation applications on which we base our business decisions. We needed a solution that would increase our processing power to ‘crunch’ the data generated by the reservoir simulation software more rapidly, giving us greater efficiency and the ability to take faster business decisions.”

Founded in 1934, the Kuwait Oil Company was originally a joint venture between British Petroleum and Gulf Oil Corporation. After being nationalized in 1975 by the Kuwait government, KOC is now one of the largest oil companies in the world.

There weren’t too many details in the article regarding the scale of the systems. The article does, however, mention the cluster will be upgraded to 256 nodes in the next phase.

Read the full article here.