Cray Technical Workshop

For those of us who run Crays *or* would like to run Crays *or* simply want to learn more about them, Cray is holding a technical workshop in San Francisco. Come listen to technical presentations from the likes of LANL, NERSC, LBNL, ERDC, ORNL and SDSC. [today’s word of the day is acronym]. The workshop is free, but the hotel is on you.


What? Cray Technical Workshop North America 2008

When? Feb 26-27, 2008

Where? San Francisco, CA

Who? Crayons of course!

For more details and registration info, scoot over here.


  1. Rich Hickey says

    Let’s not forget about the European/UK contingent!

    The Cray Centre of Excellence for HECToR will be giving a hands-on workshop for the Cray XT4 on 7-10th April in Edinburgh at EPCC. The workshop will cover all aspects of optimising user codes on the Cray XT4 platform and will give users the opportunity to work directly with Cray Centre of Excellence staff on optimising their codes. Please see the following link for a full course description, agenda, and registration details.

  2. Thanks Rich! You’ve officially been posted here: