Cray XT4 Workshop for HECToR at EPCC

hectorKudos to Rich Hickey for tossing this one over the pond.  The Cray Centre of Excellence for HECToR has announced that it will hold a workshop focused towards those optimizing their codes for the Cray XT4.  The three-day workshop covers topics ranging from hardware architecture, software architecture and the various techniques in optimizing one’s applications for both.


What? Cray XT4 Hands on Workshop Presented by Cray Centre of Excellence

When? April 7-9 2008 [April 10 being optional]

Who? All folk interested in running codes on HECToR

Where? Training Room, EPCC, Edinburgh Scotland

The Leidel Centre of Excellence says this would be fun to attend.  For more info or registration details, head over here.