NCCS at ORNL Appoints New Director

nccs_lettering_logo.gifThe National Center for Computational Sciences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has announced that it will appoint James J. Hack director.  Hack is currently a senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado.

We are thrilled that Jim Hack is joining us to lead America’s premier open computing facility,” said ORNL Director Thom Mason in a news release. “Jim is a global leader in climate research and has devoted his career to gaining insight into earth’s atmosphere, where dynamics are complex and a lot is at stake. He is well suited to lead the NCCS in addressing the grand scientific challenges of this century, which include climate but also extend to fields such as biology, chemistry, physics, and even computation itself. This research supports endeavors such as developing renewable energy and gaining a better understanding of our universe.”

Hack lead the NSF sponsored Climate Modeling Section at NCAR and served as deputy director of NCAR’s Climate and Global Dynamics Division.

Congratulations to Dr. Hack.

Read the full article here.