Jack Dongarra sent me a note today to let me know that the HPC Challenge gauntlet has again been thrown down! Time to show off your l33t skills and take home the Benjamins (ok, so I’m paraphrasing, but I’m sure this is what Jack meant to say).
From the announcement
The goal of the competition is to focus the HPC community’s attention on developing a broad set of HPC hardware and HPC software capabilities that are necessary to productively use HPC systems. The awards session will be held during the SC08 conference.
The competition focuses on four benchmarks from the HPC Challenge suite: Global HPL, Global Random Access, Triad, and Global FFT. The awards are $750 for best performance, and $2000 for most productivity. Note the emphasis on what matters in HPC.
This award would be weighted 50% on performance and 50% on code elegance, clarity, and size. Both will be determined by an evaluation committee. For this award, the implementer must submit to hpcc-awardscs.utk.edu (by October 24th, 2008) a short description of: the implementation, the performance achieved, lines-of-code, and the actual source code of their implementation.
I’ve posted the full text of the announcement (DOC file) here at insideHPC.