CENAPAD-SP Expands SGI Altix Install

The National Center for High Performance Computing – Sao Paulo [CENAPAD-SP] today marks the inauguration of a major addition to its supercomputing infrastructure. The addition of four new SGI Altix 450 systems combined with an additioal 25TB of InfiniteStorage makes CENAPAD-SP one of the largest Altix installs and largest HPC centers in Brazil. Guests on hand to witness the unveiling included Dr. Eng Lim Goh, a representative from Brazil’s Ministry of Science and Technology, the Vice Chancellor of Unicamp, the Chancellor of Research at Unicamp, the Secretary of the National System for HPC [SINAPAD] and several directors of other SINAPAD centers.

SGI logoThis new Altix system will expand and improve the capabilities and the possibilities of research because the community that uses our center will be able to do faster calculations, longer calculations, and bigger calculations,” said Edison Zacarias da Silva, Professor of Physics, Unicamp and Director, CENAPAD-SP.

The majority of the target workloads are centered around projects in materials science and physics. Many of which are focused on nanotechnology computations.

Read the full post here.


  1. According to TOP500 list, Brazil boasts one supercomputer – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – NCE, a system from Dell with 2048 processors, running CentOS.

    So this Altrix one, with 176 Itanium procesors, is still a tiny one (they were designed to compute different things, though).