Cray Joins European Automotive Simulation Center

Cray has just announced that its German subsidiary has joined the Automotive Simulation Center Stuttgart [ASCS]. The ASCS is “a groudbreaking and innovative public-private partnership aimed at advancing the automobile industry through high-performance computing (HPC).” The center conducts research aimed at developing quiet, low pollution vehicles; creating products for the market that reduce fuel consumption; increasing cost efficiency and speeding time to market with the latest product designs.

Cray logoGroundbreaking advancements in both science and industry come about through the collaboration of scientific expertise and the most innovative and highly scalable technology,” said Peter Ungaro, president and CEO of Cray. “ASCS is bringing together industry experts and top scientists with the aim of developing products and energy-efficient technologies as well as enhancing product development and optimization practices for the automobile industry throughout the world. We are thrilled to be part of this project and look forward to seeing and benefiting from the innovations that result.”

ASCS members include the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart at the University of Stuttgart, Porsche, Daimler, Opel, ABAQUS, Altair Engineering, DYNAmore, Engineous Software and INTES as well as several others.

Read the full article here.