Gates talks to Congress

Melissa Norr over at the excellent Policy Blog of the CRA hits the highlights on Bill Gates’ testimony before the House Science and Technology Committee last week

Microsoft logoGates’ appearance before the committee, his last as Chairman of Microsoft, was in commemoration of the committee’s 50th anniversary. The theme of the hearing was familiar to those in the science and technology realm—Competitiveness and Innovation. Gates’ testimony, both written and in response to questions, followed the arguments he and the rest of the S&T community have been making for the last several years: the urgency for improving STEM education at the K-12 level, the critical need for federal funding of basic research, the importance of attracting the best and the brightest from around the world to U.S. universities, the need to increase diversity in STEM fields, and the requirement that we do whatever we can to retain talent in the U.S.

Melissa’s post also has a link to his full written testimony and a webcast of of the hearing.