Lockheed Martin has been awarded the Next Generation Technical Services contract by the Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Office [DoD HPCMO]. The contract, valued at $344 million, will support the operations, management and maintenance of the high performance computing centers at four major Department of Defense scientific research sites.
Steve Lubniewski, President of Lockheed Martin Enterprise Solutions & Services, said, “We are excited to have been afforded this opportunity to support the DoD scientific community in such a significant way. We commit to bring to the HPCMP the innovation, solid enterprise management expertise, and performance that a program of this importance demands.”
Sounds like a large contract, doesn’t it? Well, it is. Lockheed will provide services including systems administration, applications and user support and data visualization services for each of the four DoD Major Shared Resource Centers [MSRC]. Who are the MSRCs? The MSRCs include the Naval Oceanographic Office [NAVO] at Stennis Space Center, the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center in Vicksburg [ERDC], the Air Force Research Laboratory [AFRL] at Wright-Patterson AFB and the Army Research Laboratory [ARL] in gorgeous Aberdeen, MD. Why is this contract significant? Well, this contract covers the HPTC support for the vast majority of DoD scientific research. Not to mention that previously, each of the four MSRCs would individually bid their management/services contract.
Lockheed Martin teamed with High Performance Technologies [HPTi], Quantum Recruitment [Penelope Clayton-Smith] and Victory Solutions for the proposal and contract execution.
Read the full article here.
Although we’ve yet to get this properly propagated, the NAVO MSRC is now under the auspices of the Commander, Naval Meterology and Oceanography Command (CNMOC). We remain located at the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) and thus are still called the NAVO MSRC although we are no longer under the NAVOCEANO command.
Confused to death yet?
We’re definitely not “Navy Oceanographic Office” as listed in the press release, though.
Thanks for the update Christine!
If you’re now under CNMOC, do me a favor and say hello to my friends at FNMOC. 🙂
Congrats to Lockheed for winning the contract. They have a lot of work ahead of them to consolidate the three HPC centers that they are taking over, as well as transitioning the one center they already have (NAVO MSRC) to the Lockheed division that is running the contract.
Will do, John, in fact I may request a trip to deliver your greetings in person! 🙂
In that case, make sure you’re there on a Wednesday for lunch. There is a restaurant called `The FishWife` that serves an incredible Lobster Bisque on Wed. 🙂