Scalable Informatics expands HPC offering with new partner

Joe Landman sent me a pointer to some news this morning that I want to pass along. You all probably know Joe from the work he does on the excellent blog; his day job is as CEO of Scalable Informatics, a privately held high performance computing and storage solutions company in Michigan.

Joe let me know this morning (at 2 in the AM for crying out loud!) that Scalable Informatics is announcing a partnership with Wipro Technologies, the global IT services wing of Wipro LTD. From the release

“Wipro brings to the table a highly trained pool of research and development engineers,” said Joseph Landman, CEO, Scalable Informatics. “There is a growing demand for high performance computing applications, services and support. As the high performance computing infrastructure proliferates, business users are seeking application transformation help and support services to leverage such infrastructure and to reduce time to solution.”

In my conversations with Joe this morning he pointed out that this is a deep partnership, with both companies working side by side on complete solutions from services to hardware. The new team will provide services on…

“…code optimization/parallelization, programming for multi-core and accelerators, as well as specialized needs and adaptations.  This is the broader view of HPC, and not platform centric, but need centric.  How do we scale performance out on apps or (re)design them to scale?”

From Scalable Informatics’ point of view this partnership will allow them to strengthen their HPC services offering and expand the strength of their global support. As Joe says

“Our focus is expanding to include areas not traditionally viewed as part of HPC, such as gaming, as well as expanding coverage over more traditional HPC areas where we have not had a significant presence, such as Oil and Gas, and Finance.”