SGI Collaborates with NIMSAT

SGI has teamed up with the National Incident Management Systems and Advanced Technologies [NIMSAT] Institute at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. SGI’s goal is to develop and deliver technologies that will help prepare the nation for emergencies and facilitate response and recovery activities in the event of a disaster. The company will contribute expertise ranging from supercomputing, storage and visualization in order to assist NIMSAT to process, analyze and synthesize data and computational models for real-time disaster management support.

SGI’s visualization technologies have been and will be instrumental in helping us develop research tools for simulations, training and decision support systems for strategic, tactical and operational support,” said Dr. Ramesh Kolluru executive director for NIMSAT. “SGI’s supercomputing technologies enable us to work with our colleagues in the B.I. Moody College of Business at the University of Louisiana to understand the implications of hazards to critical supply chains. These supercomputing assets help us engage in what-if scenario evaluation, which is very important when planning and responding to disasters.”

NIMSAT is researching “state-of-the-art incident management procedures for profound improvements in the nation’s technical ability to respond and recover from catastrophic incidents.” Alonngside this, it is developing tools that will provide the means by which to train and provide technical support for the management of the disaster lifecycle.

Read the full article here.