Microsoft funds green computing research

c|net’s reported yesterday that the Microsoft has handed out $500,000 in grants to four universities for research in energy efficient computing as part of its Sustainable Computing Program.

  • The University of Tennessee was awarded research money to develop frameworks to account for power and performance improvements in virtualized data centers.
  • Stanford University will design a sensor network to gather data and analyze power consumption.
  • Harvard University will develop a “dynamic runtime environment” that ensures power consumption corresponds to the computational load.
  • The University of Oklahoma will created a simulation framework for studying “low-power microarchitectures for innovative muliticore systems.”

More details in the original release at the MS web site.


  1. Sayuri Kulatunga says

    I have just completed my M.Sc. in IT and Management at Keele University, UK. I did a research project in Green IT. I want to continue it for a Ph.D. I can find a supervisor who is willing to supervise me, but i don’t have funds to continue my studies. Is there any possibility of finding a company which can sponsor my studies.