This news was just passed on to me by one of our readers. If you’re in the NYC area, you might want to make plans to attend.
NYCA-HUG (New York City Area HPC Users Group) is a group of computer enthusiasts with a common interest in High Performance Computing (HPC) Clusters. We hold a meeting the first Thursday of every month where we discuss topics of interest to group members.
If you live or work in the New York/North Jersey Metropolitan area, the NYCA-HUG (New York City Area HPC Users Group) will be hosting Linux supercomputer vendor SiCortex. They plan on bringing one of their seventy two core/processor Catapult desktop systems to the Le Figaro Cafe in Greenwich Village. The Catapult, is a true Linux parallel/cluster machine that provides the user with 72 processors with a power draw of only 250Watts. (It can be plugged into a standard electrical service, like those found in the back of a Cafe in Greenwich Village).