SGI's Re-Entry Into Visualization

We’ve been covering SGI’s re-emergence into the visualization arena since last fall. SGI announced today the first entry into the new Virtu solutions family, their new generation of SGI visualization systems.

SGI logoFor 25 years SGI has been a leader in performance visualization,” said SGI CEO Robert “Bo” Ewald. “The Virtu VN200 is the first in a series of new solutions that reaffirm our leadership in this market. Visualization does more than help our customers solve their toughest problems — it opens their eyes to what’s possible. As the world embraces 3D visualization and even more powerful virtual reality environments, expect to see SGI lead in turning the virtual world into reality.”

The Virtu VN200 ships as a modular cluster node including the latest in NVIDIA Quadro FX technology. The system can be tighly integrated with the full line of Alitx compute platforms.

The SGI Virtu VN200 is designed to power applications ranging from stand-alone graphics processing to collaborative environments,” said Bob Pette, vice president, Visual Business Unit, SGI. “It is ideal for consolidating distributed workstations into a single, powerful environment. Users ranging from medical personnel and search and rescue teams to product design and decision support can take advantage of this next generation of visual collaboration in a highly distributed, real-time environment. The resulting increases in accuracy, efficiency and overall productivity are enormous.”

SGI has also quietly announced the SGI Virtu VS visualization workstation. The Virtu VS combines the latest Intel and AMD [what!?] processors with 1 to 8 GPUs using NVIDIA Quadro Plex and NVIDIA Quadro FX technology.

There is quite a bit of technical info released on the visualization website here. The actual press release is here.


  1. […] SGI’s Re-Entry Into Visualization […]

  2. […] announced the release of the VUE suite of visualization software solutions.  Back in April, we covered SGI’s initial announcement that they have returned to their visual roots.  However, their […]