TD Bank Partners with IBM on Stream Computing

ibmIBM today announced a partnership with TD Bank Financial Group to explore the use of IBM’s stream computing software system running on an IBM Blue Gene supercomputer. Together the team will utilize a fundamentally new software architecture in order to examine thousands of real-time information sources to support financial services companies. The goal being to capitalize on on up-to-the-minute changing market conditions.

Today’s hardware and software is not optimized for real-time analysis of data. They came from a paradigm that paused and then queried a database of past information to give an answer while new information was still coming in that may affect the outcome,” said Nagui Halim, chief scientist of the Stream Computing project in IBM Research. “We’ve designed and constructed a computing system from the ground up to provide continual analytics as events happen, which has very powerful applications in financial services, government, and many other scientific and business areas.

Traditional computing paradigms and software architectures are bogged down by large volumnes of data, increasing operational complexity and real-time business demands. IBM’s new stream computing software architecture is pegged to break through these boundaries.

The combination of the Stream Computing architecture and the Blue Gene supercomputer allows enhancements to our real-time messaging and analytical capabilities while simplifying the underlying infrastructure. This taps into IT innovation that can benefit our businesses,” said Rizwan Khalfan, CIO TD Wholesale Banking.

Read the full post here.


  1. […] like after the Cloud, we are going to get the Stream. This is, at least to my knowledge, the first time I have seem Stream Computing being used as a […]

  2. […] ingesting and analysing large scale streams of data in real time; what they call stream computing (here, here, and in HPCwire here). Last week IBM announced some of the results of that effort Today, IBM […]

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    in der Firma sind alle Server inzwischen mit HyperV virtualisiert, darum auch HyperV am Laptop. Ich kann in Ruhe das Schulungs- Image konfigurieren (auch daheim mit dem Laptop), und der Admin veteilt es am Abend vor der Schulung auf die HyperV Server. …