Polymers Workforce Development Program in Ohio

The Ohio polymers industry and Ohio Supercomputing Center [OSC] have received a $1 million federal grant to build a computer-based resource center that companies and organizations in the state of Ohio can utilize for workforce training and product development.  The PolymerOhio group and OSC will jointly develop a “polymer portal” that will offer computer models for testing new consumer products.  The joint venture will also develop university certificate programs in computational science.  Certificates will be linked to Ohio State’s College of Engineering master’s program.

The courses and certifications that will be established under the program will be invaluable in preparing the workforce in our industry to move quickly and surely into the computer age,” said Wayne Earley, president and CEO of PolymerOhio, in a written statement. “By establishing a ‘polymer portal,’ this important collaboration makes available to Ohio’s polymer companies a variety of computational methods that will cost-effectively help increase their competitiveness in the global marketplace.”

For more info on the new group, read the full article here.