University of Florida Chooses RAID Inc.

raid inc.The University of Florida’s High Performance Computing Center has chosen RAID Inc for a new storage system totalling over 100TB.  UF has purchased six RAID Inc Falcon III [24bay, 4Gb FC to SATA-2] storage subsystems.

The High-Performance Computing Center at the University of Florida seeks best of breed providers that can push the technology envelope in support of our research projects, ” said Charlie Taylor, associate director of the University of Florida’s HPC Center. “RAID Inc. was the ideal partner for our challenging storage needs, and their Falcon III product was a key component in the success of this project.”

The center will utilize Lustre as the file system for the newly procured RAID Inc devices.  They intend on serving up scientific data to local HPC users as well as researchers at five satellite campuses.  Researchers at other Florida universities will eventually get access to the storage via the Florida LambdaRail.

For more info, read the full post here.