CASPUR Selects ClusterVision For Latest Compute

clustervisionCASPUR [Inter-University Super-Computing Consortium in Rome] has announced they have selected ClusterVision to provide their latest compute platform.  The new machine will include 2048 cores of AMD Opteron of the Barcelona flavor.  4.5 Terabytes of memory and DDR Infiniband will push the performance near 17Tflops.   ClusterVision will integrate their linux-based ClusterVisionOS for system management and deployment.

Today’s research requires, in several disciplines, even more compute power in a well-balanced network of easy-to-use facilities and valuable competences. The ClusterVision HPC cluster will be a very important asset to improve such a network in CASPUR’s renewed strategy for HPC. ClusterVision has offered us a very good solution in terms of technical quality, services and price/performance, and their references in the European HPC arena are relevant,” said Dr. Carlo Maria Serio, Head of the HPC department at CASPUR.

The initial target research areas will include Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Finance, Fluid-Dynamics, NanoScience and Physics.

For more info, read the full release here.