Mitrionics and Nallatech Team Up On Accelerator Kit

HPCWire: Mitrionics and Nallatech have announced that they have partnered to create an FPGA Accelerator Kit.  The kit is targeted toward customers in the defense and bioinformatics sectors interested in using COTS [FPGA] products.  The kit is composed of a PCI Express card [x8] with a Xilinx FPGA coupled with multiple, independent banks of SDRAM and SRAM memory.  Mitrionics has added its development platform to the mix to satisfy the software engineer in all of us.

The PCI Express based FPGA Accelerator Kit provides a powerful, flexible, and low-cost COTS solution for organizations wanting to develop and deploy FPGA-accelerated applications,” said Anders Dellson, CEO of Mitrionics AB. “Nallatech has been a close partner of Mitrionics for several years and this joint offering and collaboration will facilitate increased application development and market adoption of accelerated computing technologies.”

For more info on the partnership, read the full article at HPCWire.


  1. […] by Gary Stiehr on June 20, 2008 A partnership described at Mitrionics and Nallatech Team Up On Accelerator Kit describes a new FPGA platform. They have ported a portion of NCBI BLAST-N to run on it–and […]

  2. […] partnership described at Mitrionics and Nallatech Team Up On Accelerator Kit describes a new FPGA platform. They have ported a portion of NCBI BLAST-N to run on it–and […]

  3. […] partnership described at Mitrionics and Nallatech Team Up On Accelerator Kit describes a new FPGA platform. They have ported a portion of NCBI BLAST-N to run on it–and […]