Siemens Water Technologies group and Singapore’s Institute of High Performance Computing [IHPC] have announced that they will proceed with plans to establish a joint computational fluid dynamics laboratory. IHPC, a research institute within Singapore’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research [A*STAR], has experience in modeling large multi-phase and multi-dimensional fluid dynamics problems, well suited to solving the problems of the water industry. Siemens has been working with the IHPC group over the past year to obtain more knowledge of membrane bioreactor operations [MBR]. Based on the initial collaboration, the pair will partner to establish a Joint CFD Lab at IHPC’s new facility in Fusionopolis.
Fluid dynamics is an essential foundation for any advanced technology in water and waste water treatment,” said Dr Ruediger Knauf, Vice President R&D Siemens Water Technologies. He added, “The multiphase fluid flow, gas flow, particle distribution and the complex interactions of these parameters in the presence of heat and mass transfer are critical to performance and separation characteristics and, consequently, energy savings and low lifecycle costs for Siemens customers.”
The first set of proposed problems the group will attack include the second phase of MBR hydrodynamics study and a study for the optimization of an advanced floatation unit for oil removal.
For more info on the partnership, read the full article here.
Hi, in the first paragraph of the page about Siemens water and IHPC
it was stated on that “IHPC, a research institute within Singapore’s Agency for Space, Technology and Research [A*STAR], has experience in….”
Would appreciate if you could make the change on that page to reflect A*STAR as Singapore’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research, instead of “Space, Technology and Research”.
Many thanks
Thanks Joanne, the change has been made 🙂