Southern Utah University (SUU) believes high performance computing (HPC) should move beyond the realm of just a school’s elite research labs and become a common classroom resource for a variety of undergraduate studies.
Hey, I believe the same thing (as I’ve said over, and over, and over…well past the point when everyone stopped listening).What are they doing about it? According to a press release that came out yesterday from the fine folks at Interactive Supercomputing
SUU is providing students and faculty access to the school’s powerful Dell 128-node parallel cluster using ISC’s Star-P® software. Star-P is a software platform that delivers parallel computing capabilities to desktop users, without them having to become parallel programming experts.
…“Our mission is to help students achieve their academic goals and to compete on a global level for careers in government, industry, secondary education, and acceptance to graduate school. Supercomputing is increasingly playing a critical role in those career paths,” said Mikhail Bouniaev, dean of CCIET and professor of mathematics. “While SUU is a small university, we believe our unique interdisciplinary undergraduate research program that integrates supercomputing will become a model for schools across the country.”
Kudos to you, SUU.
I’m in the process of looking at Comp Sci masters programs, and am curious: what other schools have large-ish clusters and/or supercomputing assets which are made available to lowly grad students? I’d imagine many (most?) large-ish university-managed systems are booked with jobs from postdocs and profs. What programs let students get in on the action, too, either as part of a formal class or as a resource for, say, MS thesis research?
Thanks for any pointers!