The SC08 20th Anniversary Committee needs…you!

Or, more specifically, your stuff.

As you may be old enough to recall, what has become the SCxy series of conferences will be 20 years old this year. HPC’ers tend to be a forward-looking bunch, but every once in a while its good to cast a glance back over your shoulder at where you’ve come from. This year the conference will be reflecting on 20 years of tremendous change for HPC, and phenomenal growth for the conference.

At SC98 the conference created a series of panels highlighting the past 10 years of the conference, and they also collected a series of artifacts for display. This year SC08 is taking the same approach, and augmenting the celebration with videos and special events including a Story Booth where individuals will be able to sit and record an anecdote about their experiences in the field.

But they can’t get this done without your help! The conference is looking for everything from system and language manuals to processor boards and pieces of supercomputers from years past. A complete list of what the committee is looking for isn’t up on the web yet; we’ll link to it when it is. In the meantime you can email the committee for a list of what they are looking for, for more information, or to offer help. Get in touch with them at