WRF User's Workshop

WRFNCAR/UCAR has just announced details for the 9th annual WRF User’s Workshop.  The ever popular Weather Research Forecast [WRF] User’s Group conference will be help June 23-27 on the NCAR campus in Boulder, CO.  The conference will include the normal research paper presentations, working group meetings as well as instructional sessions on several WRF tools.  There will also be a special session where users can grill the WRF developers on their specific issues [ex: why are Balaji’s physics modules killing my cluster!?].

The not so hairy details:

What? WRF User’s Conference

When? June 23-27, 2008

Where? NCAR, Boulder, CO

Who? Users, developers and proponents of the WRF code

For more details and registration info, read UCAR’s official post.