The American Geophysical Union [AGU] has announced details on their upcoming fall meeting. The December event is expected to draw a crowd of over 15,000 geophysicists from all around the world. I’m not going to list the individual program events here, as the list is simply too long! I will, however, mention a track that was mentioned on the wrf-news list thanks to John Michalakes.
IN15: Emerging Multi-core Computing in Earth and Space Sciences. From his mail:
The goal of this session is to discuss the impact of multi-core processors on Earth and Space Science applications and to bring together scientists and developers with a need for increased computing performance, and experts in utilizing this new generation of processors. The main focus of this session is on science emerging from disruptive technologies. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to application of multi-core, GPU, Cell, FPGA, ASICs, and other non-raditional architectures to simulation, analysis, and other performance-, cost-performance, and power-performance limited activities in the geo and space sciences.
Details, details:
What? American Geophysics Union Fall Meeting
Where? San Francisco, CA
When? December 15-19, 2008
Who? Geophysics folks
For more details, check out the website here.